
石井琢磨 Takuma Ishii

  • 日本語
  • 東京藝大を経てウィーン国立音大ピアノ科に入学、同大学ピアノ科修士課程を満場一致の最優秀で卒業。ポストグラデュアーレコース修了。古き良きクラシック音楽に主軸を置きながら、「クラシックをより身近に」がコンセプト。2016年ジョルジュ・エネスク国際コンクール(ルーマニア・ブカレスト)ピアノ部門第2位受賞。これまでにジョルジュ・エネスクフィルハーモニー、東京都交響楽団、名古屋フィルハーモニー、広島交響楽団、神奈川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、関西フィルハーモニー、のだめ祝祭管弦楽団等と共演。NHK Classic Fes.2023「たくさんアンサンブル」にて総合司会を務め、NHK交響楽団アンサンブルメンバーと共演。
  • Born in Tokushima in 1989, Takuma Ishii has been a new type of pianist, aiming at making classical music more accessible by being active on various media resources. After graduating from the Department of Music at the Tokyo University of the Arts, he entered the Department of Piano at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where he received his Master’s degree in Piano with the highest honors and completed the post-graduate course.In 2016, he won the second prize in the piano section at the Georges Enescu International Competition in Bucharest, Romania, as the first Japanese to win, which has been held since 1958 and has been won by Radu Lupu and Elizabeth Leonskaya.

    He has worked with the major orchestras including George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra, Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra, and Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra. He has recently debuted at major concert halls in Japan such as Suntory Hall and Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall.

    In addition to performing in Japan and abroad, he created a Youtube channel under the name “TAKU-ON TV Takuon (TAKU-音 TV たくおん)”. His channel currently has more than 270,000 subscribers and the total number of views has exceeded 100 million. His recent media appearance includes major TV and radio programs. He was awarded Musical Instrument Store’s Grand Prize 2023 and the 15th Tokushima Arts Award.

    His latest recording is his third album entitled Diversity, scheduled to be released in September 2024. He previously released albums entitled TANZ and Szene, which gathered nationwide attention.