
角野隼斗 Hayato Sumino

  • 日本語
  • 2018年、東京大学大学院在学中にピティナピアノコンペティション特級グランプリ受賞。2021年、ショパン国際ピアノコンクールセミファイナリスト。これまでにポーランド国立放送交響楽団、ボストン・ポップス・オーケストラ、ハンブルク交響楽団、他数多くのオーケストラと共演。これまでにジャン=マルク・ルイサダ、金子勝子、吉田友昭の各氏に師事。MBS「情熱大陸」、NHK「紅白歌合戦」「あさイチ」「街角ピアノ」、テレビ朝日「徹子の部屋」「題名のない音楽会」など、数多くのメディアに出演。作曲家としてNHK「サタデーウオッチ9」のテーマ曲をはじめ、ドラマやCMへの楽曲提供も積極的に行っている。2024年に、自身最大規模の全国23公演のツアーを開催し3万以上を動員。さらに自身の誕生日である7月14日(日)に日本武道館公演を開催予定、すでにチケットは完売している。"Cateen(かてぃん)"名義で活動するYouTubeチャンネルは登録者数が130万人超、総再生回数は1億回を突破。現在は、拠点をニューヨークに移し世界規模で活動を展開している。CASIO電子楽器アンバサダー、スタインウェイアーティスト、Apple Music Classical アンバサダー。2022年、マリン・オルソップ指揮、ポーランド国立放送交響楽団とのライブ録音による「ショパン:ピアノ協奏曲第1番」をリリースし、異例のヒットを記録。2024年、ベルリンに本拠を置くSony Classicalとワールドワイド契約をし、今秋、世界デビューアルバムのリリースを予定している。クラシックのピアニストとして確固たる位置を築く一方、ジャンルの垣根を越えた音楽の探究心で知られる、唯一無二のピアニストとして注目を集めている。
  • Hayato Sumino began his professional music career by winning the Grand Prix at the PTNA Piano Competition in 2018. He garnered international attention in 2021 as a semi-finalist at the 18th International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw, where his unique and characterful performances captured the audience's hearts.

    Sumino has performed with leading orchestras worldwide, including the Hamburg Symphony, NHK Symphony Orchestra, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Marin Alsop. His performances have captivated audiences across North America, Europe, and Asia, both online and in numerous live events.

    In 2024, Sumino embarked on an extensive tour across Japan, performing 24 sold-out recitals. He is scheduled to make debuts at prestigious music festivals such as the Rheingau Musik Festival in Germany, the Gstaad Menuhin Festival in Switzerland, and the Ravinia Festival in the United States, where he will also perform with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

    The 2024/2025 season sees Sumino collaborating with the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra for an 11-concert tour in Japan, conducted by Marin Alsop. He is set to debut at Europe's renowned concert halls, including the Berlin Philharmonie and Munich Prinzregententheater. Additionally, he will perform Olivier Messiaen's "Turangalîla-Symphonie" with the New Japan Philharmonic, led by Joe Hisaishi.

    Sony Classical recently announced an exclusive recording contract with Sumino, adding him to their roster of internationally celebrated pianists. His debut album, scheduled for release in Autumn 2024, will feature a diverse selection of works by composers such as Bach, Fauré, Purcell, Sakamoto, and Sumino himself.

    Sumino holds a Master of Engineering degree from The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Information Science and Technology. He was honored with The University of Tokyo President's Award in 2020 for his exceptional achievements in both music and academics. He has been recognized on the Forbes Japan 30 Under 30 list, became a Steinway Artist in 2021, and serves as an ambassador for CASIO electronic musical instruments.

    An active online presence, Sumino shares his original compositions and arrangements on his YouTube channel "Cateen," which boasts over 1.3 million subscribers and 170 million views. His unique style blends classical technique with an arranger's ear and improvisational skills, bringing a fresh and innovative approach to piano music.