
角野隼斗 Hayato Sumino

  • 日本語
  • 1995年生まれ。2018年、東京大学大学院在学中にピティナピアノコンペティション特級グランプリ受賞。2021年、ショパン国際ピアノコンクールセミファイナリスト。これまでにポーランド国立放送交響楽団、ハンブルク交響楽団、ブダフォク・ドホナーニ管弦楽団、NHK交響楽団、読売日本交響楽団、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団等と共演。さらにFUJI ROCK FESTIVALへ出演など、活躍の場はクラシックフィールドに留まらない。2020年、1stフルアルバム「HAYATOSM」をリリース、オリコンデイリー8位を獲得。最新作は、マリン・オルソップ指揮、ポーランド国立放送交響楽団とのライブ録音による「ショパン:ピアノ協奏曲第1番」。クラシックで培った技術とアレンジ、即興技術を融合した独自のスタイルが話題を集め、“Cateen(かてぃん)“名義で活動するYouTubeチャンネルは登録者数が120万人超、総再生回数は1億回を突破するなど、新時代のピアニストとして注目を集めている。CASIO電子楽器アンバサダー、スタインウェイアーティスト。
  • Born in 1995, Hayato Sumino won the Grand Prix of the Special Class of the PTNA Piano Competition while he was a graduate student at the University of Tokyo in 2018.
    In 2021, he was a semi-finalist at the XVIII International Chopin Piano Competition. He has performed with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, Budafok Dohnányi Orchestra, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, and others.
    In December 2020, he released his first album “HAYATOSM” (eplus music). As a pianist of the new era, his unique style, which combines classical techniques with arranging and improvisation, has attracted attention, and his YouTube channel named "Cateen" has over 1 million registered users and more than 100 million total views.
    Since 2021, he has been a CASIO electronic musical instrument ambassador and Steinway artist.
    While building a solid position in classical music, he is attracting attention as a truly new type of pianist who carefully focuses on all music that beyond genres. He has also been CASIO Electronic Musical Instruments Ambassador and Steinway Artist. He will release a live recording of "Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1" performed with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Marin Orsop) on Wednesday, December 21. 16 concerts of his largest national tour will be held from January to March, 2023.